Monday, April 2, 2007

This certain someone....

Tonight I am going to divert again and talk about someone. Fact, I'm a divorcee. Fact, I'm not young anymore. Fact, I'm NOWHERE near being a handsome guy. Why then do I enjoy chatting with her so much? This is strange and bugging me...... I really feel guilty that I am enjoying this so much.

However, what attracted me is her heart of gold. Helping the needy is something that I personally have never done but I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for people who do so out of their own goodwill. Also, she dances! Ballet! I love people of the arts to death! Miss Tutu in my books deserves a lot of respect for her sacrifices to the arts. Cross my heart.

She is a good girl and really I can only say the feeling is not mutual (duh.... as if it takes a genius to figure that one out) . Nevertheless, although I think nothing will or should happen but deep down I feel like deceiving myself.

Gosh, I cannot believe I still think I have another chance in romance! 人老,人穷,人丑,还想做梦。。。。Better slap myself awake......

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