Sunday, November 29, 2009

Distant past....

I was triggered to write something tonight after a scene and number flashed across the television screen when viewing the 46th Golden Horse Ceremony. The number? 1980. The scene? A boy in cape running down an old alley. Why was I triggered to write something? Well, what I saw in that scene was probably not too far from my own childhood. As I always said, time flies. In a blink of an eye, a few decades have passed me by and frankly, I am getting old. A new wrinkle here, an ache there, and many other tell-tale signs that I am no longer the young kid on the block. I wonder will I really always be a child at heart? Probably yes......

Friday, August 28, 2009

Diarrhea II

Just when I thought things are going well my problem with diarrhea looks to be back again. Sigh.....


Wanted to blog a little about my painful experience the last 48 hours with a bout of serious diarrhea but seems to have some problems with the blogspot webpage. I don't see the usual GUI in the past but rather just plain text type of hyperlink.

Anyway, just wanted to say sometimes it is a blessng to be sick. A blessing in the sense that it serves as a wake up call to never take good health for granted and never to be complacent in life. I felt so helpless and never so bad when the effects of diarrhea hit me hard and fast. Over the numerous trips to the toilet I was practically shedding fluid so much so that I apparently lost close to 2kg in body weight due to dehydration. Coupled with the loss of appetite and nauseous feeling, it really made the experience all the more painful.

Laying in bed the last 48 hours and looking at the streams of emails coming through my Blackberry, I came to the realisation that I have not been fair to my new job. Yes, compared to my previous job, it is probably more forgiving but that doesn't mean that I should just sit back and wait for the monthly paycheck. Looking back, I should really have spent more time learning about the role and taking up the responsibility to improve the daily ongoings rather than just following status quo blindly. To this, I am regretful and hereby make a commitment to take a much more proactive approach when I return to the office next week.

Thankfully, I am feeling much, much better now and would probably spend the rest of today recuperating. Hopefully, I can find some time to finish up the rest of the renovation for our new home and close that aspect as perfectly as possible. Till now, I am very pleased with the progress of the renovation and hope to see the fruits of our efforts in a month or two.

One thing was the call from CK prompted me to think and reflect on my attitude towards learning these few months. Yes, I may have been distracted by the ongoing renovations and the dangerously deceptive slow pace of the new job but I should not for a minute think that I have it "made" and thus can stop learning new stuff. As far as I am concerned, I am still far from the complete package and should continue to strive to work towards that goal/objective i.e. read more, learn more. Resting on my laurels will not do me any good whatsoever and in fact can destroy the good image that I have built up thus far.

Rest well, recover fully, and then move forward rapidly towards a happy relationship, successful career, and cosy home......

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Don't argue.

Here alone on a Saturday afternoon, just wasting the day away before preparing to attend a colleague's wedding dinner this evening.

With a beer in hand, I am thinking back to last evening. I really hate to argue and I don't mind compromises but at times I feel that any disagreement is replied with a tad of sarcasm and that really makes me irritated. I don't think it is wrong to consider the practicality of the renovation because I don't want things to be falling apart 2 to 3 years after that. If it still makes sense, I will still do it. I really don't want and hate to argue.

Same for kisses. One party wants it anywhere and anytime but that is not me. I am conservative and won't do it in public places but end up being looked upon as non-loving. Frankly, I think I have been doing a lot already and deserves some credit for that. I can't keep changing myself else that would not longer be a mutual commitment but rather just blindly giving in. At times, I should be given the respect to do/act things that is just me rather than being expected to.

Regardless, I really hope to just get all these over with and settle back into a normal type of life where I can just spend the weekend in our home, be it lazing around or cooking meal or doing the housework or whatever.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Disc player を買った!

僕は先週末の日曜日新しいCD Playerを買いました。値段はなかなかいいと思います。今、BURN・INということをしていますね。

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Don't want to be bald

After an absence of several years, I am back on Propecia again. Years back I stopped because I just became lazy of going back to the clinic to buy the medication. Whether it is related or not, I do feel that my hair is thinning too much and too fast for my liking and I hate it.

Another concern back then was the possible long term effect from it. Thankfully, surfing the net and speaking to the GP showed that there have been no significant medical data that shows that there are long-term impact to health and family planning. Regardless, I will definitely stop taking the medication for a few months when I plan to start a family so that I can purge the medication from my body first.

Hopefully, I will have a little more hair before my marriage. I really, really, really hate it if all people will focus on is the balding groom.....

Don't forget me....

My last post was reported to be from 5th April which is a long, long time ago by blogging standard, at least to me. Well, indeed a lot have happened since then.

Chronologically, the following are things/events that I think should be recorded as part of my uninteresting life.

Marriage preparation. By some cosmic good fortune, I have found myself a new wife and yes, I am planning to stop at two as far as marriages are concerned. After a courtship of close to two years, I would confidently say that we will be fine together as long as we continue to love each other and respect each other's differences. Nothing is perfect but this union is something I will not complain though I wish she can loosen up at times and not be so square over all things.

Found a new job. Yup, after 11 years at my current position, I have finally taken the plunge and tendered my resignation. The desire to learn new things and keep myself relevant in the job market is a key reason but the disappointment in the current management is of course a key reason too. I did not share this with my GM but he should know. Basically, I feel his style of management is detrimental to the long term culture and survivability of the company. I may be leaving but I still wish a good future for those who are still behind.

Bought a flat. I have always been a Easterner but briefly stayed in the West for 3 to 4 years during my 1st marriage. Due to budget constraint, I will be back in the West again and probably will not be able to move anywhere else ever. Disappointed? Honestly, yes but moving back to the West is a correct decision because we both agreed that we should never laden ourselves with a huge bank loan. I guess doing up the place well and putting in all my gadgets will remove any lingering reservations that I may have. A Lazy-Boy here and a 60" TV there should probably do the trick.

What is next? Praying hard that the marriage will be smooth and uneventful. Praying hard too that my new job will provide me new opportunities and advance my career even farther then ever.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Different thoughts

Many things to follow up. Need to get married and thus need to help out with the plans. Need to finalise the purchase of a flat and then start with renovation. Need to decide if I should take the risk of changing career and starting from a lower job grade.

I just hope that I have the financial means to go through this and still have money to start a family and save for retirement.

Dear also says take it as a loan to her but she doesn't understand the impact fully.... It is not so easy to earn and save money especially if one includes the spendings on social gatherings, seasonal/anniversary gifts, the relaxing travels, the fixed expenses. If it is as easy as said, we would have or should be able to save more than 70% of our salaries but the truth is even 30% to 40% is a struggle. Yes, I know I will be viewed upon as a miser but I know my concerns are valid.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Death of a dream..... beginning of another......

I have always wanted to move back to the east side of the island on a permanent basis but alas I have to face reality, I don't have enough money to do so.... I just have to return back to the northwest part of the island again.

Am I unhappy with the purchase? I don't think so but I guess I am sad I will never stay in the east ever again. Who can I blame but myself for not having enough money to buy even a HDB in the east? Well, like everything else I will get used to life in the west again.

As long as Dear is happy I should be too. Besides, we can easily pay off the remaining loan within a few years, I guess. Yeah, let's just concentrate making it a cosy and comfortable place for us.

Time for bed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Diarrhoea-like stock market performance

Well, investment in the stock market is really not as easy as I made it out to be. Even though I know that any losses that I suffer at this point in time will correct itself within the next few years, I still need to exercise prudent to make sure this does not happen often else I will be stuck with more equity than cash soon.

Nevertheless, I am fully aware of the need to be cautious and never invest beyond my limit. Never will I repeat the mistakes of my dad. Never.

Cost control mode for the next few months! Only invest by bits and pieces but build my portfolio for the rest of the year!

Diamonds are forever but love is for eternity.....

A very happy beginning to the month for me..... I have finally bought a diamond ring for my dear. Very happy, very nice feeling, and very nervous.... Ha....

Diamonds are forever as they say but I sincerely hope that our love stays strong and firm for eternity.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Down to zero.... Part III

Almost time for bed now and so reality sets in again..... Don't think one can experience such a long and peaceful holiday break in a long time to come. Hoping that I can strike the lottery and continue this wonderful experience with Dear in toll.

Good night......

Deserted streets

One thing that I really enjoyed doing during the first couple of days of the Chinese New Year period was to get up early when dawn breaks and look at the deserted streets. Only during such a festive holiday would one be able to see the streets almost free of vehicles. Driving during this time is such a surreal experience as you practically have the whole road network to yourself. I just hope and wish that my Dear will try it out with me in the coming years.



Down to zero..... Part II

It is almost 9pm as of now..... Exactly one week ago I was still looking forward to the arrival of the Chinese Lunar New Year and now it is already one week beyond that point. Time just flies!

I still remember I was at my Dear's place having dinner, then went off to the Flower Night Market near Choa Chu Kang looking at plants. After that I was home and went to bed awaiting the new year. Well, everything just came and went away in a blink of an eye!

Let me see what did I do:

Monday morning: Woke up early and went to McDonald's for breakfast.
Monday afternoon: Brothers all came over for a short period and thereafter was with Dear at my place.
Monday evening: Was at Dear's relatives' place for dinner and gambling.

Tuesday morning: Woke up and had breakfast at Haig Road market.
Tuesday afternoon and evening: Nothing worth remembering....

Wednesday: Practically wasted the whole day....
Wednesday evening: Spent the night with Dear.

Thursday morning and afternoon: Can't recall anything significant.... Did I go Sim Lim on this day?
Thursday evening: Had dinner with a couple of friends at the Indonesian restaurant.

Friday morning: Went to the Seiko Repair Centre. Didn't want to spend $90 to repair the calendar on the watch. Well, I still have a couple of good watches like what Dear mentioned.
Friday afternoon: Planned everything around Dear's timeoff from office but didn't turn out too good.... Was delayed.
Friday evening: Slept!

Saturday morning: Was listening to my stereo albeit radio only (damn CD player was spoilt) and really impressed by it. The setup is still great even after all these years.
Saturday afternoon and evening: Bought "Ip Man" so that I can at least watch it at Dear's place. Her relatives and friends came over too. Was there till really late. Got home only close to midnight.

Sunday morning: Just surfing and continued to be impressed by my stereo. My brother sent over one of his unused DVD/CD player and hooked it up to my stereo. My stereo really works wonders!
Sunday afternoon: Slept!
Sunday evening: Sulking over the soon-to-be-over holiday period.... Need to go back to work tomorrow.

Damn it! I want to retire and do the same things I have been doing this past week! Sigh...... when will that happen?

Down to zero.....

Already into Feb '09 and the 9-day holiday period just disappeared into thin air and into history. Can't say I accomplished a lot during this break but at least it was leisurely to say the least. Did a little stuff here and there and reminiscent a little. So what are the little things that I should record here?

Flipped through my book "High Score" again and read through the years of video gaming history and with that my childhood past again. Basically can't shake off the memories from that period of my life and every time I read it I will think of how much things have changed for me. Mixed feelings, I should say and lots of lost opportunities. Well, it is something that I would always look back with the same feelings and thoughts.

Did watch several nice anime movies, though so that was a plus. "Ip Man" was fun to watch. Looking at the main character, Donnie Yen, I still remember his very 1st movie from 20 years ago! Different era altogether.... Memories... There I go again, looking back and never forward. Bad. Wonder if there are others who behave as strangely as me. Well......

Sent my watch for repair but ended up not spending the money. Well, the watch still tells time just that the perpetual calendar is not working so just save the money for now. Maybe buy a new cheap watch if and when money starts to flow freely for me again. Just heartpain to think how much I lost in forex. Disappearing money... (Shake head)... (Look at sky).... (Sigh)....

Lazy.... Didn't make full use of the opportunity to read more books but that happens a lot nowadays. That is a bad habit that I will regret soon enough, I think.

Still had to attend to gatherings at my Dear's side of the family. Won't say it kills me but it is something that is additional activity for me. She even got upset with me when I said I am bored with sitting around doing nothing. Obligatory or not, it is true I would just be sitting and doing nothing much. I wonder if she had at least guessed why I bought the DVD to watch. Her relatives and all would be comfortable sitting in the midst of crowd and still happily mingling but I really don't like crowds. Not my most favorite of holiday rituals but then again probably have to accept the fact that it comes with the relationship, I guess.

Many other thoughts on my mind..... Work, Marriage, Housing, Ring, Money.... but forget it, won't dwell into those, just stressing myself.

Lastly, praying for a happier 2009 for me, my dear, and family members.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Doubting one's worth and ability

Came back home early on a Saturday 'cos my dear went for an evening appointment with her friends. Well, logged in and saw her blog invitation. I went reading what she wrote and finally read the article about the unfortunate incident during our Dec road trip.

Nothing about the article but rather reading the comments by her friends (and such), it is definite that she is held in high regards by them. Smart and articulate, I would summarise. Being the self doubting soul that I am, wondered if her friends will look down on me. I am super nothing, frankly. Nothing great about me that would wow anyone.

Really, I would hate it if I ever learn of comments that are akin to me not being good enough for her. What would I do if I do learn of such comments? Recluse myself farther and farther into my own world and not interact with them? Likely?

Really, this self-doubt thing is really not good but my mind is very good at playing games and painting all sort of negative scenarios, even from something as innocuous as her blog entry. Strange. Well, the only way to eradicate that is to raise my self esteem; to make myself realise that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

The new Chinese New Year is almost upon us and I will make a conscious effort to make this a good one for both of us. If I bring her happiness, in turn I will earn happiness....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Damn lazy

My Dear asked me why I am not been blogging recently. Well, I have been either engaged in other stuff (work, vacation etc) or damn lazy.

Nowadays, with her in my life, I don't have that much time to blog anyway. Yeah, I still have lots to say but probably less enthusiastic to blog them. Not that I am less excited about life or her but I am essentially more occupied now. Bad thing? Am I complaining? Not at all..... just happily being occupied by her and everything else.

Rather than worrying about being alone or my work, I probably spend more time worrying about her and stuff, with a few arguments embedded in between.

BULLETIN..... I am watching TV while blogging and the news reported that one member of parliament was set on fire?! Wow that is news...... never happened in Singapore before....

Anyway, the year has started out pretty good for me. No major disasters and hopefully it sticks and stays that way from here onwards.

Job security is a worry with the economy going south but that is the same for most people, I guess.

This year, this year.... This year, I hope to do more that what I have achieved in the last two years. Get married (still sweating like hell), buy a house, start a new life (in the east, if possible), start a family (finally?), continue studying my Japanese.... Most of all, just trying to be happy and live a simple life..... with that special someone in toll.

Yes, I still don't think I always have the best of luck and I deserve more but honestly I won't complain if things remain uneventful, smooth sailing, simple, and happy for us.

Best of luck for the new year.