Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day by day....

I started this blog once upon a time in 2007 when I wanted to save all my memories from yesteryears. Never really did keep up the momentum even though I still would like to store my childhood memories for remembrance.

My wife said that unlike me she doesn't want to go back to her childhood days because it was so tough for her coming from a poor family. I guess mine must have been heaven since I have always tagged that period as the most enjoyable period of my life. Even though I lead a comfortable living and have a wife now, I still think back to the past to savor the charms of a slightly younger Singapore.

The other day I was just remarking to myself that 2010s versus 2000 is mostly the same. There is nothing remarkable, to me at least, to sufficiently distinguish between then and now. But 1970s versus now is so drastically different. It was a simpler country then and even though it was not really that developed, I loved it more then versus now.

Today it is just more of the tall buildings, more malls, more of the computers, more of the mobiles, more of internet etc. Basically more of anything and everything modern but this only attracts me to a certain degree. Through it all I still like the 70s and 80s. Life was simpler then and people not as complicated....

Where is my time machine?....

Don't go for vacations....

Staying home on a Sunday reminiscing about the trip last week to Hong Kong. It is true I don't like to travel because I think it is expensive. Rather, I prefer to just save the money and spend them on gadgets. Also, I hate the feeling of lost after returning back home. I will tend to think back to what I was doing in the foreign country at this same instance and repeat it for the entire duration of my vacation. It is just like Round 2 of the vacation but only with a sense of lost...