Sunday, June 10, 2007

Princess writes

I guess I've been invited to write... should I feel honored? Well, this kind of came as a surprise and I probably haven't quite thought of what I should write...

I guess I should say I've been very blessed to have someone love me so much of late. Sometimes it really feels good and I really feel as if this is it. But the fear of again being hurt, of again having to go through an emotional turmoil really holds me back. But yesterday I think we've taken a big step forward. I was really hesitant initially to have to see his mom but guess it's the least I could do for someone who loves me lots. I do hope that the big step did make a difference in her life... and in her will power to live life.

I know you'll read this... and just want you to know how appreciative of everything that you've done to me. Rest assured that I never take things for granted. One day, when I've overcome my fear of being hurt again, I'm sure we'll have a lovely time ahead, creating dreams and memories we can call our own.

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