Sunday, April 5, 2009

Different thoughts

Many things to follow up. Need to get married and thus need to help out with the plans. Need to finalise the purchase of a flat and then start with renovation. Need to decide if I should take the risk of changing career and starting from a lower job grade.

I just hope that I have the financial means to go through this and still have money to start a family and save for retirement.

Dear also says take it as a loan to her but she doesn't understand the impact fully.... It is not so easy to earn and save money especially if one includes the spendings on social gatherings, seasonal/anniversary gifts, the relaxing travels, the fixed expenses. If it is as easy as said, we would have or should be able to save more than 70% of our salaries but the truth is even 30% to 40% is a struggle. Yes, I know I will be viewed upon as a miser but I know my concerns are valid.

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