Sunday, January 11, 2009

Damn lazy

My Dear asked me why I am not been blogging recently. Well, I have been either engaged in other stuff (work, vacation etc) or damn lazy.

Nowadays, with her in my life, I don't have that much time to blog anyway. Yeah, I still have lots to say but probably less enthusiastic to blog them. Not that I am less excited about life or her but I am essentially more occupied now. Bad thing? Am I complaining? Not at all..... just happily being occupied by her and everything else.

Rather than worrying about being alone or my work, I probably spend more time worrying about her and stuff, with a few arguments embedded in between.

BULLETIN..... I am watching TV while blogging and the news reported that one member of parliament was set on fire?! Wow that is news...... never happened in Singapore before....

Anyway, the year has started out pretty good for me. No major disasters and hopefully it sticks and stays that way from here onwards.

Job security is a worry with the economy going south but that is the same for most people, I guess.

This year, this year.... This year, I hope to do more that what I have achieved in the last two years. Get married (still sweating like hell), buy a house, start a new life (in the east, if possible), start a family (finally?), continue studying my Japanese.... Most of all, just trying to be happy and live a simple life..... with that special someone in toll.

Yes, I still don't think I always have the best of luck and I deserve more but honestly I won't complain if things remain uneventful, smooth sailing, simple, and happy for us.

Best of luck for the new year.

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