Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A lazy Tuesday

It's been a long while since I am home alone on a weekday evening doing my own stuff and without Princess by my side. Well, I am home (relatively) early at before 9pm and she is away for ballet.

Kind of tired after a long day at the office and just want to relax without stressing myself out with office work. I really think that 13 hours of office work is dedication enough and no one can blame me, including the Gods, for taking a rest at home.

Looking at my blog entries for the last two months show just how much my lifestyle has changed. In the past, no matter what, I would probably be able to find some time to enter a blog every other day or every few days but really that has not happened for a long while now. It is obvious that it's not because I have slacked but because I spend a lot of time with Princess.

Princess..... Oh my Princess. It is fair to say that she has brought me a lot of joy and purpose in recent months along with those little moments of sadness and frustration. I guess it happens in all relationships but at the end of the day, I hope she recognises that I am playing my part in making this relationship work to perfection. Seldom you will find two person who are most willing to just sit home and rot away for a full day without blaming the other party for being boring. Yet, there are times when her sense of insecurity can cause me to be stressed about how to make her happy again. Give and take as I have learned. No one is perfect least of all me so I really try. I can tell that she tries on a lot of occasions too so I don't blame anyone on those little trip ups because I was also guilty. At the end of the day, as long as I feel happy and she continues to show her affection towards me, I am sure this is still the right one for me.

Yeah, I really need to write more into this blog. It is kind of a waste to see it dwindle down to nothing in the long run.

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