Monday, June 23, 2008

Drooping head

As I climbed up the stairs to my miserable flat this evening, it dwelled on me that I had my head drooped down and staring at the stairs all the way up till the 5th floor. The body language kinds of tells it all, hasn't been a good day at all.

I had thought that it would be an OK day but turned out I got a 5-minute earful about my incompetence as a manager. I don't think I am incompetent. I don't want to seen as incompetent. Am I incompetent? Maybe I am incompetent. I must be incompetent so that's why I was chided at..... Yeah, I guess I am incompetent.

No matter how hard I try, I just don't get appreciated. Just depressing to have this day in day out.

Head drooping...... Just punishment from whoever. It's OK. Practice the spirit of "Ah-Q", just let it be. Yup, just let it be.

Just not good at anything nowadays......

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