Thursday, June 26, 2008

Divine reassurance

I have always said that my life path is full of downs and seldom as easy or as grand compared to others. Yes, I may not be the worst off but many a times I feel that I really need to go through a lot of pain and suffering (emotional or otherwise) just to gain some results while it may drop in the laps of others for the same time.

That is why at times I just hope for a piece of good luck to find assurance that I am not the worst and somewhere and somehow I may not neglected from the One's big picture. Stupid to say but I feel that if I wager a bet and actually win, I feel good knowing that I still have some form of luck. But alas, even for such things I stumble.....

Well, maybe just like what the stars predicted, this year of the... year of the..... can't remember (sigh, very poor memory nowadays) is just a bad one for me....

Nothing seems to be going right....

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