Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I must really ask him, why?!! Why do you want to make sure a good girl wait?!! Why?!! Do you really need me to go over to you and whack some sense into your brain?! Why would you let such a good girl wait 6 years for you?!! Why?!! Do you want to wait till the day someone snatches her from you?!! My goodness!!

If I had such a good fortune, I will proudly announce to the whole world! No matter what the problem is, resolve it but don't let such a good lady wait for you, please don't...... You really don't know what a gem you have in YOUR hands. She still loves you a lot.... If you don't want it, pass it to me, I will gladly accept it.

I will take her as my pride, start a family and enjoy the bliss that I have always yearned for. Have a few kids and then together we will watch them grow. I will do all sorts of things together with her every single day until the day I die. And if I do go, I hope it will be the same day and never earlier than her.

You are an idiot to leave her waiting for such a long time...... Sometimes other people get all the luck but simply don't know how to appreciate it.

This is probably the most cruel form of retribution to me.

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