Saturday, August 25, 2007

One and only Baby Princess

I guess my baby kind of misunderstood what I was trying to tell her about her importance to me..... Let me repeat myself in this blog.

Baby Princess, you are my one and only love and NO ONE can compare to you. Absolutely no one.... Love you always, dear.

Actually, what I was trying to put forth to my baby is that I am a different person now. If I am indeed the man that I am today back then, I would have kept to my commitment BUT it is a paradox like I told her because Princess was the One who (finally) taught me and make me realise the true meaning of commitment. Without Princess, I won't be who I am today and thus back to square one. Period.

I hope Princess won't be upset anymore. If she were to read the file again, I did say that she is the better (in fact, the nearest to best) fit for me. With her, I feel I have found a soulmate to talk about things and she would be able to reciprocate in a similar manner. Without her now, I am totally and completely lost..... She is indeed special to me unlike what she is concerned about. She is not asking for too much, it is the truth that she is very, very special to me.... Kiss her for being such a dear to me and such a positive influence to my life.

And why wouldn't I see her as special? She said that I have made her feel "a lot more loved and treasured" but again, she was the One who has opened my eyes and mind. If being "enlightened" doesn't make me do such loving things, doesn't that make it contradictory? Hmmmm..... that's what I would have thought so.... haha....

Princess did make a difference to me... If not for her, I would still be staying at the same spot not knowing what it means to be a true soulmate and life partner to someone.

I am truly and honestly looking forward to a very happy and fulfilling future with her. We have gone car window-shopping and now it is home (not house, but a home for us...) window-shopping... Hopefully, I will continue to earn good $ and provide her a comfortable living. In my heart, I really want her to be my happy Baby Princess......

I am so blissful now..... if only the same is happening for my job then I am truly in heaven.....

I am thankful to whoever is up there.... cross my heart.

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